• Special Cleaner - Gallon - 42100OX
  • Special Cleaner - Gallon - 42100OX
Oxy Clean!
Item #: 42100OX
Price: Login


    This powerful CLEAR (previously blue) cleaner replaces Global's older, GREEN liquid that was sufficiently caustic to be classified as hazardous for shipping, whereas this new one is NOT hazardous. Like the former solvent, this alkaline degreaser is biodegradable, nontoxic, nonvolatile and possesses high rinsibility, a highly desirable property for oxygen cleaning. It's compatible with steel, stainless, brass, chrome, ceramics, galvanized metals as well as most rubber and plastic polymers. (In concentrated form, it can etch aluminum). Use this degreaser diluted with water as an adjunct in tank tumbling, for swabbing compressor oil spills, or for oxygen cleaning. Because of its high rinsibility and negligible flash point, this solvent is very effective for oxygen cleaning by soaking, scrubbing, or ultrasonic methods.